A novel take on note-taking

A truly novel concept in the space of note-taking; MindPallas is a self-representational place to write about what you read

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MindPallas uses what you write to construct a coalition of great individuals shown visually (the "Fresco"). These great individuals, or "Patrons" as they are called, represent various genres and tags. The user earns XP in a given tag, with which they unlock a Patron for that tag. For example, one might read "A brief history of time", a book existing in the realm of physics and gain enough XP to warrant a visit from Richard Feynman.

The idea is not to motivate reading with notifications and the burden of expectation but to foster identity and excitement. The Fresco ends up showing you, represented by none other than those who have pushed humanity forward (and maybe even a personal hero or two).

The "Fresco of Patrons" is constructed element-wise to conform with renaissance proportional ideals on any device you use.

Along with the fresco and the library, users can also use the wishlist to plan ahead

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